The Coventry University Zine Festival – Celebrating the month of Freedom with City of Culture

The Zine Festival

We are pleased to invite you to The Coventry University Zine Festival – Celebrating the month of Freedom with City of Culture.

The festival will see a range of different events and activity; from Zine making workshops to a dynamic panel talk and two exhibitions in the gorgeous Starley Gardens.

Please see below for more information and visit our website to register your interest.

The Freedom of Print Exhibition

Featuring 30 unique zines created by Coventry University students, Alumni, Staff and Friends of the University.

Zines in this exhibition explore a range of topics, from self-conscious queerness and gender stereotyping to mental health struggles in lockdown and what it is like to overcome racism and classism within a brown x black relationship.


The Sketchbook Project Exhibition

The sketchbook project has provided a type of creative freedom during times of restraint. Collating imagery from The Sketchbook Project we have encapsulate the reoccurring themes present; from the culture of the City and the identifiable landmarks, to the exploration of self and fascination with nature.



Exploring the Creativity Behind Zines – a Panel Discussion

Tuesday 10th August 2pm UK time

Exploring the history of zines and how they have shaped the City of Coventry, whilst also looking into the creativity behind each zine and how they play a vital role in today’s society, by communicating important messages and translating untold stories.

Sitting on the panel are artists,  Zine enthusiasts and Zine owners. Offering insight into the creative process and their expertise into the industry. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session. Book your place and to see the full line up of speakers.

Register your place now.


 Create Your Own Zine Workshop

Monday 9th August 11am UK time

In this session Joy,  a Senior Lecturer at Coventry University, will be discussing some of the origins of Zines and show a small selection across a variety of themes, with a practical view of different formats and how you might start to produce your own Zine. Have a go at making a simple fold format, before seeing some more complex page planning and production techniques, to develop and display a message or idea for your own Zine.

Register your place now.

Photomontage Masterclass

Wednesday 11th August 4pm UK time

Andrew Spackman is Course Director for the BA (Hons) Illustration course in the Faculty of Art and Design. His own practice spans electronic music composition, graphic design, illustration and various art projects. In this workshop, he will introduce a brief history of photomontage as well as showing examples and discussing his own work, including creating lo-fi publications. There will also be a short practical exercise using your own digital photos to construct your own photomontages using simple online software.

Register your place now.


We look forward to welcoming you,

Best wishes,

Coventry University Events Team